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How to design a unique splash page for your mobile app

How to design a unique splash page for your mobile app

Splash screens serve as the intro screen of an app that appear when the app gets launched and then disappear in a short while. These launch screens are simple, devoid of any buttons and are vital since they help to create the first impression for that mobile app. They are also sometimes referred to as boot screen or load screen. The splash screen mainly contains the logo of the brand and sometimes an image related to the business associated with it. Among the various element of an app that can influence the customers decision to keep on using it, probably one of the most important one of them all is the splash screen. It is therefore extremely important to get the splash screen just right so that it offers a positive user experience for the customer.

Splash Screen

The whole purpose of having a flash screen is that it helps to definitely enhance brand loyalty for your company. When you present your users with a flash screen that contains your companys logo, it actually helps to promote your brand in the best possible way. The splash screen works as a subtle psychological tool for encouraging your users to stick to your mobile app. You can also trigger a strong interest in your brand for your customers so that they would want to check out the other apps created by your company. Moreover, it has been found that having a special screen to start the loading of your app can produce far better customer response than a black screen.

Here are some of the best ways to create an effective splash screen for your app. These methods are recommended by Sakshi Infoway, a leading web and mobile development company in India.

  • Make sure that the logo and other additional images that you put in the splash screen are of the highest quality parameters. It is important that when your users open your app, they are greeted by a flawless looking image. Therefore it is necessary that you make use of high resolution images and logo designs for your splash screen.
  • It is advisable that you create your splash screen sizes for a minimum of three different screen sizes. You should also consider whether you are creating your splash screen for the Android phones or iOS phones as their screen resolutions are different.
  • When you are creating a splash screen for your app, you should find the perfect balance between being mundane and being dynamic. While it is necessary that people see the image and the logo that you arrange in your splash screen, you should keep the brightness of the screen perfectly adjusted so that they do not go blind. Also never arrange marketing campaigns and elements in your splash screen as it gives the wrong impression to your customers that you are only looking to make profits. You should present your app in such a way that it shows that you care for the functionality and the usefulness of the app.